Robin Williams
I wrote computer books for twenty-five years, but now I’m an old has-been. ;-) I haven’t been bored, though.
My real bio—more information than you really want. It doesn’t really include many of my jobs or awards or that kind of stuff.
Peachpit Press (now part of Pearson)
Most of my books are available here, and lots of other great books too.
Non-Designer’s Design Workshops
I don’t teach these any more, but Barbara McNally is my protege and leads dynamic workshops. You and your company will love her.
I Read Shakespeare
I’m tired of people telling me not to read Shakespeare, that I must only see it on the stage. sigh. During my doctorate I was able to trace the transition from a historical preference of reading Shakespeare to the current insistence the plays “only exist” on stage. It is now my mission to encourage the return of reading the plays—out loud and in community.
Mary Sidney Society
This is my site about the woman who I believe probably wrote the works attributed to the man named William Shakespeare. My book, Sweet Swan of Avon: Did a Woman Write Shakespeare? is easily available.
My partner John Tollett
John’s life drawing group and drawings and A Gallery Somewhere
John’s sketches and commentaries of our travels here and there over the past thirty years have disappeared into the ether. As Voltaire said, “Everything must end. Meanwhile, we must amuse ourselves.” ;-)